Creating Storytelling Videos & Photos

What is storytelling imagery?

This question can have a variety of answers. It’s often said that…

“Art is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone will have their own interpretation.”

I believe the same concept applies to storytelling through professional photography and video. Some stories may resonate more than others with an audience, and storytelling photos or videos can also tell many stories at once. I believe what makes a photo or video a storytelling image is its ability to initiate change, record history, create conversation or evoke emotion.

What is the importance of making storytelling imagery?

Storytelling imagery through professional videography and photography can be very powerful. The same qualities that make an image or video a storytelling piece are also what make it important. Imagery that…

  • Initiates change
  • Records History
  • Creates Conversation
  • Evokes Emotion

can have a lasting impact on people and communities. 

At Gray Media we have captured many stories through professional video and photography around the Gig Harbor, Tacoma, Seattle region over the past 9 years. We have seen first hand through interviews and local event coverage for schools, non-profits, businesses, and so many other community entities around the PNW, the positive impact that professional video and photo storytelling can make.

How do you make storytelling imagery?

I think there are many different approaches to creating storytelling imagery, but when I’m behind the camera I’m always looking to capture moments. 

Moments can be actions or emotions, such as a tackle during a football game or a celebration after a touchdown, they can also be things as simple as laughs, hugs, tears, etc.
I believe moments are powerful and can capture the human experience, which is often what people and audiences resonate with the most. I also think it’s important to be an active listener and observer as a photographer and videographer. Sharing, creating or finding a story usually happens when you allow life to unfold in front of you or create an atmosphere where people feel open to sharing their stories with you.

If you have a story you would like to share please reach out, we would love to capture it for you!